Category: Exhibition

NMP Jacket [Thesis – Wearable Computer]
“Why should you care about the wearable computer? ¦ [S]oon our lives will be dramatically changed by the wearable computer. But the world will look pretty much the same and most of us won’t even notice.” Steve Mann, Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer For my 4rth year [...]
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Plastic People [Art Exhibition]
"Plastic is a ubiquitous material that has found a place in every nation and culture. In essence we as modern humans have become the ‘Plastic People.’ From it’s source as a synthetic derived from petrochemicals, we can examine the benefits, the detriments, the creative applications and the final resting places that plastic finds itself."   [...]
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New Minds, New Media [Art Exhibition]
New Minds, New Media, is a non-commercial group exhibition I organized and curated from October 6 - 20th, 2012 at The Gallery on 47th Street in Yellowknife, NWT. The exhibition featured electronic, digital and new media inspired installations from the artists in the Northwest Territories working in new media and other non-traditional or alternative arts. [...]
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